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IMCA Focuses on DP at Asian Offshore Support Journal Conference

Published on 30 August 2019

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has a major role to play at the Asian Offshore Support Journal Conference (Singapore, 17-18 September) as they stage a full afternoon of presentations and a workshop on ‘Dealing with DP Assurance Issues’ at this key event aimed at contractors, charterers, shipowners/operators/managers, shipbuilders, financiers and equipment suppliers.

The session being held on the afternoon of 18 September will start with an update on IMCA’s DP station-keeping reporting scheme by Captain Andy Goldsmith, Technical Adviser – Marine at IMCA. Joey Fisher, IMCA Marine DP Committee member from M3 Marine will then speak about the IMCA DP practitioner accreditation scheme introduced in May. The third speaker will be Graeme Reid, Technical Adviser – Marine at IMCA. He will talk about Guidelines for developing and conducting DP annual trials programmes (IMCA M 190).

A break in the exhibition area, where IMCA will have a small display, will provide invaluable networking time, and lead into the workshop on ‘Improving DP Assurance Initiatives’.

Scheduled to run for 100-minutes, the workshop will be moderated by the three previous speakers and Edwin Lampert, Head of Content, Riviera Maritime Media. Delegates will have 20 minutes to discuss three key questions:

  • Providing good feedback to the industry
  • What are the challenges of meeting the latest revision of M190?
  • How will advanced technology impact the DP annual trials programme in the future?

The four moderators will then provide 10-minute summaries from each roundtable; and Edwin Lampert will provide concluding remarks at the end of the day.

As Captain Goldsmith explains:

We are delighted to have been asked by OSJ to run this DP session because involvement by the sector not only ensures greater levels of safety and efficiency, but also means that opinions can be shared, and lessons learned. The outcome of the workshop will be an important step forward in determining the ongoing work programme of IMCA’s DP Committee which will bring benefits throughout the sector.”

Fuller details on the programme for the afternoon are at; and further information on the work of IMCA’s DP Committee is at

A preferable rate is available for IMCA members to attend either the whole OSJ Asia Conference or just the IMCA DP session – please email for details.

OSJ Asia is a Riviera Maritime event.

Coverage of IMCA’s participation in this event was included in OSJ’s feature on the Asia Conference – details can be found here