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Portable grinders – hand safety

A member has reported on a review of abrasive wheels on board a chartered vessel as a part of abrasive wheel training delivery, in which there were a number of […]

Safety Event |

Use of hand-held disc grinders

One of our members has recently received the following information on an incident: A fatality occurred when a worker was using an air-powered disc grinder to cut grooves into cast […]

Safety Event |

Hand injury from portable grinder

What happened A subcontract worker received a 3cm laceration to the hand while using a portable grinder. The incident occurred during flowline fabrication work at a spool base. The portable […]

Safety Event |

Two cases of hand injuries – UK HSE

Incident 1: Worker Injures Hand on Lathe What happened THE UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) reports that an engineering firm was sentenced after a worker suffered injuries to his […]

Safety Event |

Lost time injury (LTI): Severe hand injury in galley

An incident has come to IMCA’s attention in which a member of the galley staff sustained severe injuries. The individual was grinding tomatoes when his arm got trapped in the […]

Safety Event |

Use of portable electrical deck equipment

A member has highlighted some recent examples of portable electrical deck equipment being used with incorrect plugs and sockets. This safety flash serves to bring to members’ attention the issue […]

Safety Event |

Serious hand injury during use of deck scaler

A member has reported an incident in which a crew member sustained a serious hand injury while using an air driven deck scaler during maintenance operations on deck. The crew […]

Safety Event |

Hand grinder injuries

An IMCA member has reported two recent injuries caused by the use of portable hand grinders. The first injury was due to the grinder wheel binding onto the weld being […]

Safety Event |

14 post(s)