We have a modern and effective governance structure and programme. We follow a strict code of practice and operate in accordance with our Articles of Association, Bye-laws, and Competition Law Compliance Policy. We expect all our Members to be aware of their responsibilities and undertakings as explained in our governance documents, which are freely available on this page.
The Board
We are governed by The Board of Directors of IMCA Holdings Ltd and, in keeping with tradition, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of The Board are also given the honorary titles of President and Vice-President of the Association.
The Chief Executive is responsible for the day to day running of the Association and is accountable to The Board for overall performance of the Association and the Secretariat.
The Board provides strategic direction and leadership; monitors progress and ensures economic viability and legal compliance. The Board sets Membership criteria and monitors compliance in line with our Articles of Association and Bye-laws.
The Operations Committee
The Operations Committee informs, helps to co-ordinate and leads the operations of IMCA by overseeing the programme of work and delivery plans of all committees. It comprises the Chairmen of all our technical and regional committees. The Chairman of the Operations Committee also serves on The Board.
Governance Structure
The chart below illustrates the reporting lines of the committees. To see details on each area of this chart please visit our Committees section.