Crew Changes & other topical issues under the spotlight at IMCA’s Middle East & India Regional Webinar
Published on 23 November 2020
Registration is now open for the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) Middle East & India Regional Webinar taking place on 26 November (09:00-11:00 GMT). The webinar focuses on the issue of crew changes in the region during COVID-19 and other relevant topics and provides an opportunity for IMCA members throughout the region to be updated on the work of the global association.
As Chris Rodricks (IMCA Middle East & India Representative) explained:
“Introduced by Allen Leatt, Chief Executive, the two-hour webinar will provide an update on IMCA’s current activities. As well as turning the spotlight on the challenges of crew changes in the Middle East & India during COVID-19 we will be also be focusing on training without borders; environmental sustainability; and the latest IMCA safety flashes. It is a packed programme with opportunities for questions during the session.”
The full line-up
The line-up for the two-hour webinar comprises:
- Introduction by Allen Leatt, Chief Executive
- Training without borders, Darren Brunton, KBA
- IMCA Diving Supervisor CPD Update, Bryan McGlinchy, IMCA Diving Manager
- Margaret Fitzgerald, IMCA’s Head of Policy and Regulatory Affairs exploring IMCA’s influence on IMO to assist with the challenges of crew changes and travel to and from worksites in the Middle East & India region during the current COVID-19 restrictions
- Nadine Robinson, IMCA Technical Adviser – Environmental Sustainability, illustrating how environmental sustainability fits in with IMCA’s objectives.
- Nick Hough, IMCA Technical Adviser covering IMCA’s latest safety flashes.
Registration is open at
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