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DP station keeping event bulletins enhance the traditional reporting and analysis of dynamic positioning station keeping events and incidents. They ensure that the industry is provided with prompt feedback, including anonymous factual case studies of events reported to IMCA.

Individual DP events are available individually online, tagged and searchable, while the traditional PDF collections are also available for download.

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IMCA Contact

Richard Purser
Technical Adviser - Marine

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Separate problem with two thrusters caused loss of DP

Comments: The bow thruster gave an alarm that pitch was at maximum showing 114% on DP display. Investigation concluded that the full starboard maximum limit command/set point of the bow […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 03/16

Bow thruster tripped due to lack of power

Comments: The seat for the stop solenoid on the port main engine was damaged causing a slight air leak past it, this acting on the stop cylinder piston caused a […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 03/16

Fuel oil filter change leads to generator failure

Comments: During ‘routine’ rounds the engine room watchkeeper decided to replace the left filter of the duplex fuel oil filter of DG No 2. This generator was part of the […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 03/16

Incorrect wiring causes loss of all propulsion

Comments: Subsequent investigation identified the following:  Through extensive evaluation by numerous technicians, the main cause of the incident was found to be the improper wiring of the main and backup […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 03/16

Instability of position reference systems

Considerations from the above event: It is not clear from the report whether it was the differential correction signal or satellite constellation that was  shielded, however operators need to be […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 02/16

Thruster fault

Considerations from the above event: All available means should be used to identify the faulty thruster and then shut it down as deselecting it from the DP system might not […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 02/16

Differences between operator stations

Considerations from the above event: Whilst it is not clear what caused this event it does stress the importance of field arrival and set up tests designed to identify operator station […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 02/16

Thruster failure and unavailability

Considerations from the above event: The crew followed good procedures by suspending operations in a controlled manner ready for investigation.

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 02/16

Unintentional deselection of a DP control function

Considerations from the above event: This event highlights the possible consequences of deselecting critical DP system buttons. Significant changes to any system should not be made during critical phases of […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 02/16

Change of a vessel centre of rotation

Considerations from the above event: The centre of rotation should not be changed during critical operations. Because of the likely increase in length of the lever to control heading, careful […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 01/16

Power distribution

Considerations from the above event: With only two diesel generators on line the DPO must be fully aware of the consequences of a worst case failure (WCF).

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 01/16

Thruster unavailability

Considerations from the above event: From the information provided it would appear that the vessel is set up so as to allow for the worst case failure (WCF). Therefore, if […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 01/16

DP management: Dealing with the unexpected

“It’s 04:00 hours, on the night shift. Do I really need to go through the four hourly DP checklist, for the third time tonight? I remember asking myself that same […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 02/15

162 post(s)