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IMCA dives into social media

Published on 13 June 2013

Here at IMCA, we have recognised that it is time to start using new channels and we’d like to invite you to ‘like’, ‘follow’ and ‘connect’ with us so you can stay up to date with all the latest news and information we share.

An overwhelming number our member companies (and the individuals working for them) are already active on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, so we have started using these channels too. We will be sharing information and announcing IMCA news, industry news, stories about events and useful links.

Use the following links to connect with us.

icon-facebook-20 like us on Facebook

icon-linkedin-20 connect with us on LinkedIn

icon-twitter-20 follow us on Twitter

The initiative is very much in its infancy, so we welcome members’ feedback as to what content you would like to see from us as the ‘followership’ grows.
If you have any questions regarding the initiative, please send them to