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IMCA holding South America Section meeting in Rio

Published on 6 November 2015

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) will hold a South America Section meeting on the afternoon of Tuesday 10 November at the Novotel Santos Dumont in Rio de Janeiro. Registration for this free-to-attend event is through

Central to the meeting will be a presentation on IMCA M149, the Common Marine Inspection Document (CMID) and an update by IMCA’s Technical Adviser, Chris Baldwin on the Accredited Vessel Inspector Scheme run in association with the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) There are now well over a hundred accredited vessel inspectors in over 20 countries.

Updates on the IMCA’s general activities will be a feature of the afternoon, as will updates on the association’s work programme including ‘Brazilian personnel and skill states’. There will also be updates from other organisations including IBP – Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo Gás e Biocombustiveis; ABESPetro; ABEAM – The Brazilian Association of Offshore Support Companies; and the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC). The event also provides networking opportunities over the lunch served before the meeting begins.

Further information on the meeting and the full agenda are at /events/south-america-section-meeting.aspx


About IMCA

  • IMCA is an international association with over a thousand members in more than 60 countries representing offshore, marine and underwater engineering companies. IMCA has four technical divisions, covering marine/specialist vessel operations, offshore diving, hydrographic survey and remote systems and ROVs, plus geographic sections for the Asia-Pacific, Central & North America, Europe & Africa, Middle East & India and South America regions. As well as a core focus on safety, the environment, competence and training, IMCA seeks to promote its members’ common interests, to resolve industry-wide issues and to provide an authoritative voice for its members.
  • IMCA publishes some 200 guidance notes and technical reports – many are available for free downloading by members and non-members alike. These have been developed over the years and are extensively distributed. They are a definition of what IMCA stands for, including widely recognised diving code of practice, DP documentation, marine and ROV good practice guidance, the Common Marine Inspection Document (CMID) – now available electronically as eCMID, safety recommendations, outline training syllabi and the IMCA competence scheme guidance. In addition to the range of printed guidance documents, IMCA also produces safety promotional materials, circulates information notes and distributes safety flashes.