IMCA online document security update
Published on 22 August 2016
IMCA is making improvements to better protect guidance documents in the members-only area of its website. When these changes are complete IMCA’s online technical library will only be available to members logged in to the members’ area of the site. As part of this process, we will also be resetting login credentials for all IMCA website users.
New login details will be issued to users on Friday 26 August, and your old login details will expire on Friday 9 September.
Please see the Q&A below for details.
Why the change?
Following a review of our compliance programme, we have concluded that IMCA’s technical library should be accessible to members only.
How will it affect me?
When the changes are complete, you will need to use your company’s new username and password to be logged in before you can download or open any of our member-only technical guidance. Once logged in, clicking to download or open IMCA documents will trigger a compliance dialogue box. By clicking to ‘accept’ the stipulated terms and conditions, the download or opening of the document will then be initiated as usual.
When will I receive my new login details?
We will be sending all IMCA member companies new login details on Friday 26 August by email. These details will be active immediately. In a change to our previous system, there will now be one login for all users at any given member company (rather than individual login details).
Your old, individual details will become inactive on Friday 9 September.
How do I login to the website?
Each company will have their own company-wide login details (username and password). You can either login by:
– Using the ‘Member Log In’ button in the top right corner of the site
– Or by signing in when prompted (e.g. when you have clicked on a member-only document)
What if I forget my login details?
Please contact our Membership Services Group (details below) and one of the team will be happy to remind you of them.
What if others at my company would like to access IMCA’s documents too?
Any individual who works for an IMCA member company and is interested in IMCA documents is welcome to log in to the site to access IMCA documents using your company login.
We would however, like to add new users’ individual details to our database, so please let us know if anybody new will be logging in. This way, we can contact them to let them know if your company’s login details are subsequently updated.
Login details are only to be shared with individuals at your company who are interested in IMCA’s documents, please do not forward them to anybody outside of your company.
What if non-members wish to access IMCA documents?
Instructions for companies or organisations who are not members, but who have a legitimate reason to access our documents, will be provided and access rights decided on a case by case basis.
Contact us
If you have any questions, or need to get in touch with one of our team regarding your online account details, please contact our Membership Services Group on:
T: +44 (0) 20 7824 5524