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Focus on training at Regional Meeting in Rio de Janeiro

Published on 17 October 2018

  • Focus on aspects of training
  • Speakers from IMCA, Kongsberg Maritime and Maersk Training

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) is to hold its South America Regional meeting in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday 24 October. This will be an opportunity for IMCA members and their guests to receive an update on the Association’s activities, and to hear highly relevant presentations relating to aspects of marine training.

Captain Andy Goldsmith, IMCA’s Technical Adviser – Marine, will give an update on IMCA’s work and on ‘IMCA M117: The training and experience of key Dynamic Positioning (DP) personnel‘. Other presentations will include Simone Uribe, Instructor at Kongsberg Maritime, speaking on ‘Training for key DP personnel’; and Keila Torres, Operations Manager at Maersk Training, on ‘Training for specialist marine operations: Anchor handling‘.

Those wishing to attend the meeting at the Windsor Florida Hotel (starting at 10:00 and finishing at 15:30) should contact; Tel: +44 207 824 5520.