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IMCA's Asia-Pacific meeting in Perth, Australia

Published on 23 May 2014

A busy day lies ahead for members of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) on Thursday 29 May when the Association holds its Asia-Pacific Section meeting in Perth, Australia.

The open meeting for IMCA members, corresponding members and guests follows a closed early morning voting member meeting. From 10.00 the open meeting will consider competition law policy; provide a worldwide update on all IMCA divisions – Competence and Training; Safety, Environment and Legislation (SEL); Diving; Marine; Offshore Survey; and Remote Systems & ROV; and then encompass an international regulatory update; and discuss recent safety-related incidents before the first of a series of presentations takes place.

“We certainly have a packed and highly relevant programme,” says Jane Bugler, IMCA’s Technical Director, who will be at the meeting.”Before lunch we have a presentation by Steve Dunstan of AMMA on ‘Industrial relations offshore’. Then after lunch ‘Offshore cranes’ by Enermech; ‘Noise management offshore’ by Ian Parry of Aurora Environmental; and ‘IMCA diving supervisor exam system’ by consultant, John Yorke. These will be followed by workshops including one on ‘Safety leadership’.

“Neptune will then host a drinks reception, which is the precursor to a demonstration the next day of NEPSYS ® underwater welding technology. Those wishing to attend the meeting and/or NEPSYS ® demonstration should contact