How to deliver the course remotely, which is a mandatory part of the accreditation process and must be completed within two years following approval, has taken the team some time to work out. It was important to come up with an online solution without losing any of the learning effectiveness and required outcomes, or disadvantaging those who are denied the face to face dynamic. Course tutors and the MSA team put their heads together, virtually of course, to find the best solution while keeping IMCA’s eCMID steering committee informed of the progress and outcome.
MSA is pleased to announce that the new online format is now available and one course is being organised each month until December 2020, offering flexible times to ensure people in different time zones around the world can attend. The 20-question multiple choice test which used to be completed manually is now in an online format which delegates will complete remotely at the end of the course. Full details and dates of forthcoming courses are online at
MSA Chief Executive Officer, Mike Schwarz, said, “It was important to take time to ensure the new online format met the existing objectives and that those taking the course in its new online format are in no way put at a disadvantage. Delivering course content online is different for tutors, but I am confident that using available technology, what we have developed exceeds the high standard we set out to achieve”.