Letter to the European Commission on the EU Ship Recycling Regulation

Severe disruptions to planned operations due to COVID-19 have had a significant impact on procedures for gathering and certifying the IHM, risking non-compliance by the deadline. To ensure quality and to meet the intended purpose, the industry group has requested a time-limited implementation or grace period of 12 months which would enable shipping companies to make up for lost time caused by COVID-19 restrictions and interruptions.


The industry group has issued best management guidance to member companies on how to manage their fleets with respect to compliance in the face of the challenges presented by COVID-19 and in order to clarify what could be considered acceptable evidence of compliance efforts (such as a service contract for sampling or a survey). Ships taken out of service for recycling during this period and beyond should remain subject to a completed IHM Part II (operationally-generated waste) and Part III (stores), together with verifications from the Flag Administration.


IMCA Members can:

1. View the guidance here 

2. Take the five minute survey on IHM.