Highlights from issue 71 of Making Waves Include:
- A focus on the ROV personnel shortages – and how our initiatives are making a difference
- Working at height: a killer that we need to get under control
- Tips on avoiding a social media disaster
- Lots more information and insight from the people who matter on the topics that matter
You will see in this issue that Making Waves has taken a step forward to enhance an already popular read. There are more pages, a new design and a new approach to the editorial to ensure that the magazine is more international, inclusive, relevant and focused than ever. You can see the new edition by clicking the cover image.
An essential part of the content will continue to be cutting edge industry news and developments. If you feel you have news or feature information which should be considered for publication we would be delighted to hear from you. Click here for some guidelines on providing contributions (If it is not your area don’t forget to pass this to your relevant marketing/PR person internally).
Making Waves
Feedback and suggestions for future articles are welcome: makingwaves@imca-int.com
Online signup coming soon - in the meantime, please email makingwaves@imca-int.com