We’re transforming our committee pages
We want to showcase our committee members. If you are an IMCA committee member, we are seeking information about you to include on our website.
This will transition the committee list format on our website, to a page which shows headshots with expandable bios/testimonies.
Please help us by completing the form below (< 5 Mins to complete). It will ask for the following:
- Name
- Job Title
- Company
- Short Biography (100 words approx.)
- What it means to be involved in IMCA’s committee work (50/60 words approx.)
Many thanks in advance.
Please also send us a headshot for your profile image to communications@imca-int.com
Feedback and suggestions for future articles are welcome: makingwaves@imca-int.com
Online signup coming soon - in the meantime, please email makingwaves@imca-int.com