A new IMCA website has launched - www.imca-int.com -
this site remains available temporarily for access to the following:
˙ Event Registration - new system coming soon
˙ Membership Application - new system coming soon
IMCA’s 2016 Contracts & Insurance Seminar, being held in London at No. 4 Hamilton Place on Wednesday 25 May, will focus on the deterioration in contracting terms in the post-Macondo and post-$100 barrel oil business environment. In particular, the seminar will consider the potential risks of unlimited liability – for pollution, damage to work and consequential losses – and their impact on the marine contracting world. “Unlike our industry’s past response to challenging times, such as in the CRINE era twenty years ago when oil companies and contractors worked together to find better and more efficient ways of contracting, the
IMCA’s 2016 Contracts & Insurance Seminar, being held in London at No. 4 Hamilton Place on Wednesday 25 May, will focus on the deterioration in contracting terms in the post-Macondo and post-$100 barrel oil business environment. In particular, the seminar will consider the potential risks of unlimited liability – for pollution, damage to work and consequential losses – and their impact on the marine contracting world. “Unlike our industry’s past response to challenging times, such as in the CRINE era twenty years ago when oil companies and contractors worked together to find better and more efficient ways of contracting, the
Allen Leatt, Chief Executive of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) is looking forward to meeting members of the global trade association at the forthcoming Central & North America Section meeting being held in Houston on Thursday 21 April. “We have three days of meetings, comprising working sessions with our sub-groups and the regional meeting itself. It is a packed programme, and I am greatly looking forward to meeting members,” says Allen Leatt. The regional meeting is open free-of-charge to members, their guests and all interested in the work of IMCA. “I will be giving a general update on IMCA;
Allen Leatt, Chief Executive of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) is looking forward to meeting members of the global trade association at the forthcoming Central & North America Section meeting being held in Houston on Thursday 21 April. “We have three days of meetings, comprising working sessions with our sub-groups and the regional meeting itself. It is a packed programme, and I am greatly looking forward to meeting members,” says Allen Leatt. The regional meeting is open free-of-charge to members, their guests and all interested in the work of IMCA. “I will be giving a general update on IMCA;
Getting the basics right lies at the very heart of safe lifting, and of the presentation that John Bradshaw, Technical Adviser at the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA), will deliver on 19 April 2016 at the 21st International Offshore Crane and Lifting Conference in Aberdeen. Lifting operations have long been recognised as being potentially hazardous activities. For this reason they are subject to statutory requirements and regulations intended to ensure they are performed in a safe and controlled manner. “Despite the regulations and an offshore lifting sector which is both highly competent and that promotes a positive safety culture, incidents
Getting the basics right lies at the very heart of safe lifting, and of the presentation that John Bradshaw, Technical Adviser at the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA), will deliver on 19 April 2016 at the 21st International Offshore Crane and Lifting Conference in Aberdeen. Lifting operations have long been recognised as being potentially hazardous activities. For this reason they are subject to statutory requirements and regulations intended to ensure they are performed in a safe and controlled manner. “Despite the regulations and an offshore lifting sector which is both highly competent and that promotes a positive safety culture, incidents
With three highly relevant presentations; a general update on activities of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA); and a detailed briefing on the activities of all six of the global association’s divisional activities, the up-coming Asia-Pacific Section meeting in Hong Kong on 6 April provides a one-stop briefing for members and non-members alike. “IMCA is the global authority in the marine contracting industry, and Denis Welch our Regional Director Asia-Pacific and I are looking forward to bringing members in the Asia-Pacific Section, their guests and others interested in our work up-to-date on our activities,” explains Chief Executive, Allen Leatt. “IMCA
Each year the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) carries out a safety and environmental survey of its contractor members. Contractor member companies that have not already submitted their statistics for 2015 to IMCA are urged to do so with speed, for work is now underway to analyse the statistics and determine both safety and environmental trends. Safety statistics have been gathered since 1997 and the environmental aspect of the survey was introduced in 2013. Revisiting the 2014 statistics The 2014 figures safety statistics drawn from 264 IMCA contractor members and based upon 798 million man-hours of work overall (558 million
The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has been invited to assist with the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) working group on the revision of ‘Mooring Equipment Guidelines’, the third edition – MEG3 – which was published in 2008. “We are delighted to have a role to play in helping revision of this key document,” says IMCA’s Technical Director, Richard Benzie.”Like all the organisations deliberating over the revisions, our primary aim is to promote ever safer mooring. “To this end we publish ‘Mooring practice safety guidance for offshore vessels when alongside in ports and harbours’ (IMCA M 214/SEL 029); and
The rise of ‘ROV DP’, the capability to hold an ROV (remotely operated vehicle) stationary in the water column, has led to an increase in the sharing of ROV-mounted sensors, for ROV positioning, imaging and survey purposes. A workshop, organised by the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) during Oceanology International 2016 (OI2016), will discuss the opportunities and challenges arising from this shared use of sensors and consider the future for this developing field of technologies. Taking place on Wednesday 16 March, alongside OI2016, the Workshop will be held in ExCeL London’s South Gallery Room 14. Coffee will be available from
Dynamic positioning (DP) figures prominently on the agenda for the next meeting of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA’s) Europe & Africa section meeting being held in Paris on 3 March. IMCA members, and non-members from organisations wishing to learn more about IMCA and its activities, are welcome at the free-to-attend meeting, which features five presentations on various aspects of DP. There will also be a new facility to join the meeting via a webinar link. Following a welcome by Pascal Grosjean, IMCA Europe & Africa Section Chairman, including background on IMCA and its activities, there will be an update
Dynamic positioning (DP) figures prominently on the agenda for the next meeting of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA’s) Europe & Africa section meeting being held in Paris on 3 March. IMCA members, and non-members from organisations wishing to learn more about IMCA and its activities, are welcome at the free-to-attend meeting, which features five presentations on various aspects of DP. There will also be a new facility to join the meeting via a webinar link. Following a welcome by Pascal Grosjean, IMCA Europe & Africa Section Chairman, including background on IMCA and its activities, there will be an update
The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has published a revised version of ‘Guidance on wire rope integrity management for vessels in the offshore industry’ (IMCA SEL 022 Rev. 2/IMCA M 194 Rev. 2). This is now available for downloading free of charge from the IMCA website. This document provides guidance on the necessary elements of an integrity management system required to achieve an acceptable level of ongoing safety for the use of wire ropes in a marine environment. The guidance takes account of the range of environments, including the sometimes harsh conditions experienced in the global marine environment and, for
Reliable and robust methods of positioning are required for safe vessel operations at offshore installations. The development of dynamic positioning (DP) systems has been gradual over the past 50 years and today, various manufacturers’ systems are available around the world. IMCA has published a report, IMCA M 229 ‘Mini RadaScan microwave radar sensor for dynamic positioning operations’ to provide an overview of the Mini RadaScan system. “Every measurement technology is bound by limitations (i.e. physics) and external factors (e.g. signal obstruction, solar activity, weather, sea conditions, range), which makes it difficult for one technology to cover all applications and uninterrupted
Three members of the technical team at the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) will be attending the association’s Europe & Africa Section Meeting, which features eight highly relevant presentations being given by key offshore industry players, on Tuesday 24 November at the Clarion Bergen Airport Hotel. IMCA’s new Technical Director Richard Benzie and Technical Advisers Emily Comyn and Peter Sieniewicz will be at the meeting which is open to members and guests. The meeting will be opened by Pascal Grosjean, IMCA’s Europe & Africa Section Chairman. A range of presentations will be given during the day-long meeting scheduled to close
Three members of the technical team at the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) will be attending the association’s Europe & Africa Section Meeting, which features eight highly relevant presentations being given by key offshore industry players, on Tuesday 24 November at the Clarion Bergen Airport Hotel. IMCA’s new Technical Director Richard Benzie and Technical Advisers Emily Comyn and Peter Sieniewicz will be at the meeting which is open to members and guests. The meeting will be opened by Pascal Grosjean, IMCA’s Europe & Africa Section Chairman. A range of presentations will be given during the day-long meeting scheduled to close
Two documents on the shared use of sensors have been revised and merged to form one common document recently published by the International Marine Contractors Association as IMCA S023 ‘Guidelines on the shared use of sensors for survey and positioning purposes’. Download this new document by clicking here. The document reaches the conclusion that provided an appropriate and adequate risk assessment is undertaken and procedures to mitigate risks are in place using the guidance given in the new document, the shared use of sensors for different applications should not present any operational issues. Nevertheless, it is vitally important that vessel
Following an early morning closed meeting of the Asia-Pacific Section for voting members of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday 19 November, at 10:00 the meeting, being held at the Novotel Kuala Lumpur, will be thrown open to all members and guests. Following a world-wide update on the work of IMCA’s two core and four technical divisions – Competence & Training; Safety, Environmental & Legislation; Diving; Marine; Offshore Survey; and Remote Systems & ROV – being given by relevant committee members; and an international regulatory update, there will be presentations on ‘The search for Malaysian
The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) will hold a South America Section meeting on the afternoon of Tuesday 10 November at the Novotel Santos Dumont in Rio de Janeiro. Registration for this free-to-attend event is through events@imca-int.com Central to the meeting will be a presentation on IMCA M149, the Common Marine Inspection Document (CMID) and an update by IMCA’s Technical Adviser, Chris Baldwin on the Accredited Vessel Inspector Scheme run in association with the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) http://cmidvesselinspectors.com/. There are now well over a hundred accredited vessel inspectors in over 20 countries. Updates on the IMCA’s general
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