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London-based Anti-Bribery and Corruption Seminar being held by IMCA

Bribery and corruption is a growing concern for businesses in all sectors and jurisdictions. Corruption is a problem not only from an ethical and competition-distorting perspective, but also because of the risk it creates to the reputation of affected businesses and the potential financial implications of a conviction. “The increase in enforcement of national and international bribery and corruption legislation means businesses must demonstrate compliance,” explains Chris Charman, Chief Executive of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA).”Due to its complexities, this can be a challenging area for businesses to address. Indeed, they need to stay ahead of developments in this

Key IMCA diving guidance expanded and refreshed

The ‘International Code of Practice for Offshore Diving’ (IMCA D 014) is one of the key guidance documents for contractors and clients published by the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) – Booth S18 at OTC 2014. It provides advice on ways in which offshore diving operations can be carried out safely and efficiently, and references other IMCA diving guidance documents extensively. An industry-wide consultation has led to this invaluable document being expanded and refreshed with better layout to ensure greater clarity. It offers examples of good practice and includes personnel, equipment a systems guidelines for surface supplied diving using air,

IMCA publishes guidance on hyperbaric reception facilities

The safety of divers in saturation is of paramount importance. With this in mind, the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) – Booth S18 at OTC 2014 – has published ‘Diving Equipment Systems Inspection Guidance Note (DESIGN) for the hyperbaric reception facility (HRF) forming part of a hyperbaric evacuation system (HES)’ (IMCA D 053). “D 053 should always be used in conjunction with IMCA D 018 ‘Code of practice on the initial and periodic examination, testing and certification of diving plant and equipment’,” explains IMCA’s Technical Director, Jane Bugler.”Indeed, cross references to this Code are provided where appropriate. “Our new document

Call for papers open for IMCA's London-based annual seminar

The call for papers for the International Marine Contractors Association’s (IMCA) 19th Annual Seminar that this year will be held in London (19-20 November), is currently open with a closing deadline of 23 April 2014. “Our ‘Where next for the offshore marine industry?’ theme for this year’s event follows on from the theme of the 2013 Annual Seminar held in Singapore ‘Addressing the Challenges of New Frontiers’,” explains IMCA’s Technical Director, Jane Bugler. “‘Where next?’ was a question that a lot of people were asking at that highly successful event, which attracted well over 480 delegates from 32 countries. It

Jane Bugler to speak at Canadian Underwater Conference

Jane Bugler, Technical Director of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) will be speaking on ‘IMCA Offshore – Changes to Guidance’ at the 2014 Canadian Underwater Conference and Exhibition with its theme ‘Man and Machine Underwater’, being held in Toronto on 6-8 April 2014. “I will be covering our most recent Diving Division guidance documents, all of them designed to aid risk management and to ensure maximum efficiency and levels of safety,” she explains.”First on the agenda will be hyperbaric evacuation. “Although IMCA D 024 – ‘DESIGN (Diving Equipment Systems Inspection Guidance Note) for saturation (bell) diving systems’ contained a

IMCA's 'DESIGN for Surface Orientated (Air) Diving Systems' revised

‘DESIGN for Surface Orientated (Air) Diving Systems’ has been revised and updated by the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) to incorporate equipment improvements and changed operating practices since its first publication in 2000. The format has also been changed slightly to improve ease of use and provide better referencing. As IMCA’s Technical Director, Jane Bugler explains:”DESIGN of course stands for Diving Equipment Systems Inspection Guidance Note’. Known globally by its reference number IMCA D 023, this guidance, addresses various aspects of a surface orientated diving system as utilised within the offshore diving industry and aims to provide a comprehensive reference

Wire Rope Integrity Management for Vessels in the Offshore Industry

Current state-of-the-art wire ropes, updated regulation references, and flow diagrams to assist with the wire rope integrity management process have been included in the revised ‘Guidance on Wire Rope Integrity Management for Vessels in the Offshore Industry’ just published by the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA SEL 022 Rev.1/ IMCA M 194 Rev. 1). “This document offers guidance on the necessary elements of an integrity management system required to achieve an acceptable level of ongoing safety for the use of wire ropes in a marine environment,” explains IMCA’s Technical Director, Jane Bugler.”The guidance takes account of the range of environments

IMCA publishes revised Inter-Vessel Survey Data Standard Telemetry Protocol

Small changes have been made to the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) Inter-Vessel Survey Data Standard Telemetry Protocol (IMCA S 006 Rev.2) “Our publications are constantly reviewed and revised and reissued where necessary, it is important that they are ‘living documents’,” explains Jane Bugler, Technical Director of IMCA.”The small changes made in this revision to IMCA S 006 are primarily to the names used in the examples to reflect changes in company names since the document was originally published.” The new version can be downloaded free of charge by members and non-members alike from the IMCA website at; and

IMCA's Asia-Pacific Section meets in Kuala Lumpur

The Asia-Pacific Section of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) will hold one of its regular section meetings in Kuala Lumpur at the Impiana KLCC Hotel on Thursday 27 February, members and non-members alike are welcome to the meeting which will include three enlightening presentations and two workshops. The meeting, which includes a networking lunch is open to members and non-members alike. Registration at ahead of the event is essential. The open meeting is scheduled for 10:00 for 10:30 with coffee prior to the start of formal proceedings. Competition law policy is the first item on the agenda, which

Assessing manpower demands and overcoming personnel shortages

All over the world headlines say much the same in a myriad of languages”Oil and gas sector poised for jobs and wages boom” – but where are the people to come from to fill the positions? Neil Evans, Technical Adviser – Competence & Training at the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) aims to provide some answers when talking at three conferences this Spring – one in Houston, USA, one in Oslo, Norway, and the third in Copenhagen, Denmark. Additionally IMCA will be involved with ‘Careers Day’ at Oceanology International 2014, the world’s largest exhibition for marine science and technology in

Amsterdam wire rope workshop

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) Wire Rope workgroup has held three Wire Rope Workshops, the fourth in the series ‘Optimum System Design for High Value Subsea Construction Ropes’ will be held 18 March 2014 at the Radisson Blu Hotel at Amsterdam Airport. “Our bi-annual Wire Rope Workshops are proving extremely relevant and interesting. Over 90 attended the last one in Amsterdam in October which focused on the lubrication of high value subsea construction ropes; others have looked at high value wire rope issues, and at non-destructive testing” explains IMCA’s Technical Director, Jane Bugler. “The March event will embrace the

IMCA plays an active role at OI 2014

As a supporting organisation of Oceanology International 2014, the world’s largest exhibition for marine science and technology (London’s ExCeL, 11-13 March), the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) is playing a very active role by holding an event on remotely operated vehicle (ROV) training and competence globally; presenting in the conference; being involved with the ‘careers day’ aimed at young potential entrants to the industry; and on its stand. On Wednesday 12 March IMCA’s Remote Systems & ROV Management Committee and Competence & Training Core Committee will be holding a joint afternoon seminar ‘ROV Training & Competence – Global approach, local

Two IMCA presentations at OSJ Annual Conference

Two presentations being given by the International Marine Contractors Association at this month’s Offshore Support Journal Conference in London, graphically demonstrate the association’s wide range of interests. IMCA’s Chief Executive, Chris Charman, will be speaking on 18 February in the panel discussion ‘Developing guidelines and standards for the European offshore wind industry’ at the pre-event day on ‘Cost reduction strategies in the offshore wind industry’. The following day Emily Comyn, IMCA’s Technical Adviser Regulatory Affairs will be speaking in the Regulatory Framework session at the main conference on ‘MLC: Six months on’ “Our members are increasingly involved in the rapidly

Middle East & India Section meeting

The Middle East & India Section of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) will hold one of its regular section meetings in Dubai at the Jebel Ali Shooting Club, Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa on Monday 3 February, members and non-members alike are welcome to the meeting which will include three enlightening presentations. The morning meeting is followed by a networking lunch and the presentations follow this. Registration at ahead of the event is essential. The first presentation by Russell Harper of DCN Global LLC looks at ‘Rescue of personnel from sunken vessel’ which includes the story of

Middle East & India Section meeting

The Middle East & India Section of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) will hold one of its regular section meetings in Dubai at the Jebel Ali Shooting Club, Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa on Monday 3 February, members and non-members alike are welcome to the meeting which will include three enlightening presentations. The morning meeting is followed by a networking lunch and the presentations follow this. Registration at ahead of the event is essential. The first presentation by Russell Harper of DCN Global LLC looks at ‘Rescue of personnel from sunken vessel’ which includes the story of

IMCA South America Section – all welcome

The South America Section of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) will hold one of its regular section meetings in Rio de Janeiro at Novotel Rio de Janeiro Santos Dumont Hotel on Monday 27 January, members and non-members alike are welcome to the afternoon meeting which will include two enlightening presentations. The meeting is preceded by a networking lunch. Registration at ahead of the event is essential. In November 2013 IMCA unveiled its five year vision and strategy, and it is on this that the association’s Technical Director, Jane Bugler, will be speaking and answering questions. “It is a

Guidance on Verifier Training published by IMCA

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) Competence Assurance & Assessment guidance, originally launched in January 1999 and regularly updated (last update 2012), is designed to facilitate improved safety in the offshore industry by providing a framework for IMCA’s marine contractor members to assess and demonstrate to other the competence of their safety-critical personnel. Now new associated guidance has been published for verifier training. “Assessment naturally should be supported by verification of the assessment of the individual’s competence; the role of the verifier is to check or verify assessments that have been completed offshore; and a verifier should be used as

IMCA publishes peripheral survey sensors guidelines

The newly published ‘Guidelines for the management of peripheral survey sensors’ (IMCA S 021) has been developed under the direction of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) Offshore Survey Division management committee. Since the 1970s technology has been developed and applied in the offshore surveying industry to provide better and improved accuracy, quality, reliability and resolution of data and results. The current use and application of the various core technologies and the developments in related peripheral devices require users to maintain an understanding of good practice. “The requirements for periodical calibrations and verification of offshore survey and navigation related sensors

Offshore renewables under the spotlight at IMCA’s Hamburg-based Europe & Africa Section meeting

Offshore renewable energy will be very much on the agenda when the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) holds the first ever meeting of its long-established Europe & Africa Section in Germany. With speakers from Technip, the German Shipowners Association, German Shipbuilders, Workships Contractors, Seaway Heavy Lifting, Bluewater, RWE, Vattenfall, ER Offshore and Global Maritime the meeting on Thursday 28 November at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Hamburg is open to members and non-members alike. “IMCA established an offshore renewables workgroup in 2011 following growing concerns regarding safety in the offshore wind construction industry,” explains the association’s Technical Director, Jane Bugler.

Offshore renewables under the spotlight at IMCA's Hamburg-based Europe & Africa Section meeting

Offshore renewable energy will be very much on the agenda when the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) holds the first ever meeting of its long-established Europe & Africa Section in Germany. With speakers from Technip, the German Shipowners Association, German Shipbuilders, Workships Contractors, Seaway Heavy Lifting, Bluewater, RWE, Vattenfall, ER Offshore and Global Maritime the meeting on Thursday 28 November at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Hamburg is open to members and non-members alike. “IMCA established an offshore renewables workgroup in 2011 following growing concerns regarding safety in the offshore wind construction industry,” explains the association’s Technical Director, Jane Bugler.