Guidance on handling naturally occurring radioactive material


Version history

December 2023 – Rev. 0.1 – Quality check; headers, footers, document number & map updated; no change to content

September 2009 – Initial publication; originally prepared for IMCA by a workgroup under the direction of its Safety, Environment & Legislation (SEL) Core Committee.



‘NORM’ is the term used to describe the naturally occurring radioactive material encountered in the oil and gas industry. Sometimes it is referred to as low specific activity (LSA) material.

It should be noted that NORM (LSA scale) can be found in a variety of forms, and can be encountered during oil production in gas and oil wells. Additionally, much process plant in the oil, gas and produced water handling systems may be internally contaminated with NORM, and sea-water pumps and injection equipment can become contaminated by low levels of radioactivity after many years’ usage, owing to background levels of radiation in seawater.

IMCA recognises that work with radioactive material can be an emotive subject. Ill-considered use of terminology can cause workforce concerns and possible media attention with subsequent likelihood of poor publicity. This may result in regulatory bodies acting from the very best motives to implement regulations not suited to, nor intended for, use in the offshore oil and gas industry.

The purpose of this document is to provide readers with a clear insight into the relatively low-risk nature of working with NORM found in the offshore oil and gas industry. The document provides guidelines for members on monitoring and handling of such materials, information on the substances involved and the risks presented thereby, and a brief overview of some of the regulations applicable to the transport of radioactive waste.


  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Glossary of Terms
  • What is NORM?
  • Identifying Radiological Hazard
  • Considerations for Operational Planning
  • Guidelines for Operational Activities when Handling NORM
  • Regulatory Framework
  • Appendix 1 – Typical NORM/LSA Checklists
  • Appendix 2 – Handling of Potentially NORM Contaminated Equipment
Reference(s): IMCA HSS024
Published:December 2023
Version:Rev. 0.1
Grade:IMCA Recommended Practice

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