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“A step forward in our journey towards a more environmentally responsible and sustainable future”

Published on 4 March 2024

I am delighted to present our updated Code of Practice for Environmental Sustainability.

At IMCA, we believe our commitment to advancing sustainable practices within the maritime industry should be at the forefront of our mission. With this document, we take a significant step forward in our journey towards a more environmentally responsible and sustainable future.

The maritime industry plays a pivotal role in the global economy, serving core industries and commerce. However, with this great responsibility comes the imperative to protect and preserve the fragile ecosystems of our oceans and coastal regions. As leaders in the marine contracting field, it is our duty to set the highest standards for environmental stewardship, promoting practices that minimise our environmental footprint, both for the wellbeing of our planet and to ensure the industry’s long-term viability.

The updated Code of Practice for Environmental Sustainability represents a collaborative effort from our dedicated teams, industry experts, and stakeholders from around the world. It encourages Members to be self-critical, measure impact on the environment, set meaningful targets and to be ambitious. It also encourages Members to stay at the forefront of innovation and responsibility in our field, acknowledging that sustainable practices are not just desirable but essential for the health of our planet.

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Iain Grainger

In this updated code, you will find a comprehensive framework that outlines best practices, guidelines, and recommendations to mitigate the environmental impact of our activities. It takes into account the latest advancements in technology, regulations, and scientific understanding, providing practical solutions for reducing emissions, minimising waste, and safeguarding marine ecosystems.

As we face pressing challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and the need to transition to a low-carbon future, the maritime industry’s role in achieving global sustainability goals has never been more crucial. The updated Code of Practice for Environmental Sustainability equips us with the tools to not only meet these challenges but to thrive in a world that increasingly values environmentally responsible practices.

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to the development of this code – our members, experts, and partners. Your dedication and commitment to the cause of environmental sustainability have made this accomplishment possible. Together, we will forge a path toward a brighter, more sustainable future for our industry, our communities, and the world at large.

I encourage all of you to explore this updated code, embrace its principles, and integrate them into your operations – and to keep doing so as the code, our understanding of the natural environment, and best practice evolve. By doing so, we will not only ensure the longevity of our industry but leave a lasting legacy of responsible stewardship for generations to come.

Iain Grainger is CEO of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA).