ROV Intervention During Diving Operations
Published on 2 February 2015
Safety is of paramount important offshore, and ‘Remotely Operated Vehicle Intervention During Diving Operations’ (IMCA D 054, IMCA R 020) is newly published by the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) to provide guidelines for the safe and efficient offshore operation of ROVs in combined operations with divers in the same underwater space.
“The guidance is designed for use by both contractors and clients, and purposely avoids subjects of minority interest,” explains IMCA’s Technical Director, Jane Bugler.”It contains guidelines and recommendations for the maintenance of a high level of safety and efficiency across the ROV sector. It does not, however, attempt to replace the need for contractors to maintain their own, ROV specific, comprehensive operations manuals and procedures.”
The advice given in the guidance, which now replaces the earlier guidance in AODC 032 (first published in 1992 and revised in 1996), is intended to apply anywhere in the world, but it is recognised that some countries will have regulations that require different standards or practices to be followed. Where local or national regulations are more stringent than those in IMCA’s guidance document, they will always take precedence over any provision in IMCA D 054.
Jane Bugler explains”This is a ‘dynamic document’ and the advice given in it will change with the development of the industry. It is intended to review it on a regular basis and any necessary improvements made. We welcome suggested improvements and ask that they are emailed to
The guidelines can be downloaded free of charge by members and non-members alike from IMCA’s website at; and printed copies can be purchased at £5.00 for members and £10.00 for non-members from