This safety alert was received from the UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) “Recently a fisherman and a workboat crewman died when the inflatable lifejackets they were wearing failed to […]
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this site remains available temporarily for access to the following:
˙ Event Registration - new system coming soon
˙ Membership Application - new system coming soon
IMCA safety flashes disseminate important information on incidents and potential hazards and the lessons learnt from them that can help prevent incidents occurring elsewhere in the industry.
Individual safety events are available individually online, tagged and searchable, while the traditional PDF collections are also available for download.
All members are encouraged to contribute relevant safety-related information – please visit our Safety Flash Reporting page for details on the submission process.
Nicholas Hough
Consultant - Safety and Security
This safety alert was received from the UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) “Recently a fisherman and a workboat crewman died when the inflatable lifejackets they were wearing failed to […]
A member has reported an incident whereby an injury was sustained by a person during lifting operations on a construction ship. A person was acting as banksman, but also assisted […]
A member reports that an able seaman slipped on an external stairway and fell heavily on his elbow, injuring himself. He had been washing down and had cleared away his […]
A member has reported a serious incident which occurred recently on an offshore vessel when a 7 ton SWL wire sling parted. From the diagram below, it can be seen […]
Working ashore or going ashore from vessels in various locations around the world has its own dangers. A member reports a recent event where an employee was robbed at gunpoint. […]
Not all incidents seem to be of extreme significance, but the smallest errors can lead to disastrous consequences. An incorrect connection on a coffee cup heater has led to the […]
IMCA has received a report of an incident onboard a platform supply vessel which resulted in a member of the crew fracturing his forearm. This was the consequence of an […]
A member reports that while cutting a sheet of paper on a manual cutting machine, an employee’s left thumb was placed into the cutting line as the blade was pulled […]
A member has reported the following incident, whereby a man, part of a team racking jet hose, sustained an injury to his left knee. A power sheave had been utilised […]
A member has reported the following incident, which occurred while a 76mm diameter wire rope cable was being pulled off of a passive reel mounted on an anchored flat top […]
A member has provided a note on one of the outcomes of a joint US Coast Guard (USCG)/Minerals Management Service (MMS) review of accidents on fixed offshore facilities resulting in […]
Incident Overview A member has reported the following diving fatality during a surface supplied diving operation being undertaken from a platform while two divers were working in close proximity to […]
A paper has recently been submitted to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) concerning vessels which despite carrying a Safety Management Certificate (SMC), had accidents on board in which the investigators […]
A member has reported the following severe accident during the inspection of a generator engine resulting in loss of life. The incident occurred in a large (12m x 3m) container, […]
IMCA has received a report of a roustabout being crushed during a lifting operation. The incident occurred on a rig which was in the vicinity of a platform. During a […]
A member has provided a report of a diving fatality that occurred during the installation of a 20″ flexible hose (40m long) between a pipeline end manifold (PLEM) and a […]
We have received a report of an incident where a man died when a refrigerated container fell from a mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) to the sea. The MODU was […]
A member has reported a serious incident where a plate was being supported on a small length of tubular, which was mounted vertically. The tube was sealed at the bottom, […]
A member has reported the following incident, noting that it is aware of similar incidents and wishes to bring details to the attention of the wider IMCA membership to assist […]
A member has forwarded the following from the NATO website: Anti-terrorism measures – issued by the NATO Shipping Centre on 5 March “At present there is no intelligence of an […]
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