What happened During pipe handling operations a rigger positioned himself at the pipe’s bottom layer gap. A pipe from the upper layer rolled down into the space on the bottom […]
A new IMCA website has launched - www.imca-int.com -
this site remains available temporarily for access to the following:
˙ Event Registration - new system coming soon
˙ Membership Application - new system coming soon
IMCA safety flashes disseminate important information on incidents and potential hazards and the lessons learnt from them that can help prevent incidents occurring elsewhere in the industry.
Individual safety events are available individually online, tagged and searchable, while the traditional PDF collections are also available for download.
All members are encouraged to contribute relevant safety-related information – please visit our Safety Flash Reporting page for details on the submission process.
Nicholas Hough
Consultant - Safety and Security
What happened During pipe handling operations a rigger positioned himself at the pipe’s bottom layer gap. A pipe from the upper layer rolled down into the space on the bottom […]
What happened? During pipe coating application work at a third-party sub-contractor worksite, a worker received serious burns to both forearms, that resulted in an LTI. The injury occurred at the […]
What happened During offshore drilling operations, a drilling assistant sustained serious crush injuries, resulting in several weeks away from work. He was injured when he leaned out of the rooster […]
What happened The Marine Accident Investigation Branch Safety Digest 2/2022 includes an incident in which a crew member on a large cargo vessel lost part of their finger while passing […]
What happened? On a windfarm installation vessel, there was a connection failure during operations. During lowering and rotating of the Vibro Lifting Tool (VLT) into the skidding frame for the […]
The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has published Safety Alert 451 relating to Body mechanics, (manual) lifting techniques, and repetitive motion leading to strain injuries. The BLS tracks […]
What happened A hydraulic pipe burst causing an oil leak. The incident occurred when a vessel was alongside retrieving anchor handling chains from chain lockers to the main deck. This […]
What happened A vessel suffered underwater damage to the hull when it collided with uncharted objects in the harbour. The incident occurred after completion of cargo operations when an AHTS […]
The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch has published Report 10/22 into the flooding and sinking of the survey workboat Bella. The boat flooded and sank while carrying out hydrographic survey […]
The United States Coastguard (USCG) has published Safety Alert 09-22 relating to a dangerous and potentially fatal situation involving D-ring lifting points, which caused a severe injury to a crewmember. […]
The United States Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) has published Safety Alert #446 relating to an injury caused by unsafe crane working practices. What happened A lead mechanic […]
The United States Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) has published Safety Alert #448 relating to hazards associated with cranes on idle facilities posing safety and environmental risks. What […]
The Marshall Islands registry has published a casualty investigation report into an incident where the drill ship Valaris DS-4 lost its moorings in heavy weather while being prepared for lay-up. […]
The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch has published Report 9/2022 relating to a mooring deck fatality on board a cargo vessel in August 2021. Of interest in that this may […]
What happened A fire alarm was activated from the laundry room. On duty personnel were sent to investigate and discovered smoke was coming from one of the clothes dryers in […]
What happened A high potential near miss occurred during onshore preparations for a pipeline installation when an excavator cut into an energised power cable. Trenching activities for the onshore pipeline […]
Following a UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) prosecution, a retail company was fined £1,000,000 after an electrician suffered serious burns to 15 per cent of his body when he […]
The United States Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) has published Safety Alert #447 relating to incidents in which fires were caused following hot work. What happened Recently, several […]
What happened During decommissioning, cutting work was being conducted using a diamond wire saw. A third-party supplier’s technician noticed a sudden drop in pressure, and it was discovered that 100 […]
What happened A member reports a significant increase in the number of dropped objects at third-party premises. The dropped object incidents have included many high potential near miss dropped objects […]
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