What happened? A member reports numerous instances of potential dropped objects being found on containers and equipment being loaded from port and offshore facilities. What went wrong? What were the […]
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IMCA safety flashes disseminate important information on incidents and potential hazards and the lessons learnt from them that can help prevent incidents occurring elsewhere in the industry.
Individual safety events are available individually online, tagged and searchable, while the traditional PDF collections are also available for download.
All members are encouraged to contribute relevant safety-related information – please visit our Safety Flash Reporting page for details on the submission process.
Nicholas Hough
Consultant - Safety and Security
What happened? A member reports numerous instances of potential dropped objects being found on containers and equipment being loaded from port and offshore facilities. What went wrong? What were the […]
What happened? During deck cargo loading operations from a vessel to an offshore platform, two pieces of unsecured timber were inadvertently lifted from the vessel onto the platform, on top […]
What happened The United States Coast Guard (USCG) has published Safety Alert 13-17 relating to Fixed CO2 fire extinguishing systems. This alert follows discovery of critical deficiencies in the fixed […]
What happened? A vessel was on standby when a fire alarm was activated from the laundry room. The steward was nearby and took immediate action by switching off the relevant […]
What happened? Two drums with unknown chemicals were observed, floating in the sea. The crew retrieved these drums onto the vessel, but they were not stored safely. What went wrong? […]
What happened? A vessel was engaged in a joint offshore oil spill response exercise involving third parties. During the exercise, the client instructed the Master to use the Fast Rescue […]
What happened? A lifting line failed whilst vessel crew were lifting the gangway to stow it in position on departure from an anchorage. The gangway was hoisted to a position […]
What happened? A mooring line (stern line) was passed through the starboard chock from aft station while the vessel was entering the lock at a port. This mooring line was […]
What happened? Step Change in Safety reports an incident in which there was a potential dropped object due to an unsecured door on a load. The incident occurred when a […]
What happened? Step Change in Safety reports an incident in which a crewman sustained a finger injury while using a ‘safe hands’ tool to manoeuvre a container into place. Crew […]
What happened During mooring operations, an Able Seaman (AB) jumped from the vessel to the quayside to receive the mooring ropes. In doing so he slipped over the bulwark and […]
What happened A lifeboat was damaged because of equipment failure during a routine deployment drill. During a routine boat drill in port, the starboard lifeboat was lowered to water level. […]
What happened A crewman got his feet trapped under the sliding step of an Ampelmann motion compensated telescopic gangway. The incident occurred during the hours of darkness when he was […]
IMCA is gaining feedback from readers on what is and isn’t considered important, using a simple star-based feedback system – see below. Please feel free to use this functionality.
The full text of all IMCA safety flashes can be searched – not just the titles. Enter your text in the box at https://legacy.imca-int.com/alerts/safety-flash/.
IMCA is grateful for all submissions of safety incidents for inclusion in Safety Flashes. During 2017, a number of incidents received by IMCA from members were not been published as […]
A full list of the safety flash incidents of 2017 – including those from other organisations which IMCA has passed on to members is available at https://legacy.imca-int.com/alerts/downloads/safety-flash/17/.
This is a summary of the safety flash incidents reported during 2017, highlighting some trends worthy of note and one or two matters of interest. 148 incidents in 32 safety […]
What happened? On a vessel in a shipyard, a member of the painting team accessed a tank to perform an inspection. Around three hours later, a worker was assigned to […]
What happened? The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) has published Safety Alert 293 about an incident in which a worker was struck on the head and seriously […]
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