Incident 1: Worker fatally crushed between two articulated vehicles What happened The UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has prosecuted a road haulage firm after an employee was crushed between […]
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this site remains available temporarily for access to the following:
˙ Event Registration - new system coming soon
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IMCA safety flashes disseminate important information on incidents and potential hazards and the lessons learnt from them that can help prevent incidents occurring elsewhere in the industry.
Individual safety events are available individually online, tagged and searchable, while the traditional PDF collections are also available for download.
All members are encouraged to contribute relevant safety-related information – please visit our Safety Flash Reporting page for details on the submission process.
Nicholas Hough
Consultant - Safety and Security
Incident 1: Worker fatally crushed between two articulated vehicles What happened The UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has prosecuted a road haulage firm after an employee was crushed between […]
What happened During offshore subsea operations, an air diver reported to the surface that his helmet had flooded. The supervisor instructed the diver to return to the basket. He then […]
What happened An engineer suffered a crushed finger when there was an unplanned movement of a main engine exhaust valve during maintenance. The second engineer and a fitter were working […]
What happened Whilst working with a pillar drilling machine, a crewman got his glove caught in the rotating bit and dislocated his left thumb. The incident happened on an ocean-going […]
What happened An incident occurred involving one of these instruments, in which an instrument technician was injured as a result of an explosion. The UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) […]
A product-safety retrofit notice was issued by ADAMS Armaturen GmbH on 23 December 2016 and this has been recently highlighted by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP). […]
A member has passed to us a safety alert regarding the product ‘Eurogrit’, an aluminium silicate (coal slag) blast cleaning abrasive, which has been contaminated with asbestos (Chrysotile). This product […]
What happened A winch wire failed causing a pennant assembly and wire to fall directly into a crane basket. There were no injuries. The incident occurred whilst operating a forward […]
What happened The United States Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) has issued a bulletin about an incident in which a ‘Billy Pugh’ basket was subject to uncontrolled motion […]
Seahealth.DK has kindly shared this safety alert with IMCA. Incident 1: Blowing boilers What happened: A heavy rain of scalding water from the funnel fell down on the boat deck […]
What happened A laptop battery exploded and caught fire. The incident happened in a workshop setting. The laptop was being used to control certain operations, which had been recently completed. […]
During two recent vessel inspections Coast Guard marine inspectors participated in and witnessed occasions where the testing and maintenance of a COâ‚‚ system resulted in serious safety threats that could […]
What happened The UK HSE reports that a company has been sentenced after a worker lost his middle two fingers at work. The incident occurred whilst he was trying to […]
What happened A stand-by diver on a light daughtercraft (LDC) was nearly hit by a flying block and tackle, which was thrown towards him by an unplanned release of tension […]
What happened A member of UK Step Change in Safety reports an incident in which a main block sheave guard came loose from the main crane block and fell approximately […]
What happened The Marine Safety Forum (MSF) reports an incident in which a piece of grating weighing 17kg fell from a load. It fell 6-7m to deck. Crew were on […]
What happened A crew member on an ocean-going cargo vessel lost the sight in his right eye. He was self-medicating what he thought was a common cold for 4-5 days […]
What happened During a maintenance operation, a member of an ROV crew sustained fatal injuries when he was trapped between the top of the tether management system (TMS) and the […]
What happened? International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) has published an alert regarding an incident in which an engineer was fatally injured. He was killed when he removed […]
What happened? A vessel was carrying out a monthly rescue boat drill when, as a result of procedures not being followed, there was a sudden and unplanned deployment of the […]
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